Monday, March 12, 2012

Week 18 has arrived!!!!


Calm your mind child, there is nothing I cannot handle. Still your heart child, there is nothing of which I am unaware. Rest in Me child let all other things fall away from you ~ God 
We do not understand ourselves. We do not know who we are. We cannot understand the vastness of this mystery. But God......He does! So all that our minds run through, over and under is often futile. This pose is a mental surrender of getting off your own feet and into His hands. Seek out a quiet space, close your eyes slightly. Remain as still as possible. Begin by trying to hear just one word; a word that draws your heart towards His. Any word that works for you and then begin to whisper that word again and again unto yourself. Listen to the word as you say it. Heart full of faith and hope and love; do not think, or imagine anything. Do not conjure up a spiritual experience, simply remain where you are, free of thought. If any thoughts or images arise, simply return your attention to the word. Whenever you become aware of such wondering simply draw back and whisper the word once more. Do not expect, do not relent, do not fear or wrestle...just let Him pour into you however He sees fit. Experience Him without confines, surrendered and still. Enjoy what only this type of prayer offers; rest and renewal, faith and fullness, heart and soul! Get off your feet and into His arms; we could all use a little rest, especially within our minds..... 


  1. Sit next to a wall so that your hip touches it. Slowly bend your knees in to your chest.
  2. Begin to lower yourself to the floor using your elbows to support your upper body. Roll so that your legs are going up the wall.
  3. Then release your elbows and lower your whole torso to the ground.
  4. Creating length in the spine, adjust your head so that the base is away from your neck. Opening your heart and pulling your shoulder blades down your back and let your arms rest at your sides, palms up.
  5. While keeping your legs firm enough to remain on the wall, let their weight settle into your pelvis. Soften your belly and let it sink into your torso. Close your eyes. Calm your mind.
    ***For this pose, you may want support your lower back by using a small bolster or several folded blankets placed near the wall, under the hips.
If you are comfortable, stay in this position for several minutes. To let yourself out of the pose, bring your knees to your chest and roll to your side. Stay on your side for a few minutes, then rise up slowly. This pose is also helpful if you struggle with insomnia, it helps the mind find rest that pours over into the body.
An Unseen World by Paul Cardall
Abandonment(feat Laura Hackett) by Ronda Adams
A Silent Tear by Joe Yamada

One of the first topics recorded in the Bible, starting in Genesis, is about relationships on earth. In fact, the entire Bible reveals God’s plan and incredible love for His children; through knowing and having relationship with our savior, Jesus Christ, everyone might have a new relationship in the family of God by grace through faith. Our relationship with Jesus is the only relationship that is guaranteed for all of eternity. Our relationship with God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit should be our most important relationship above all, as a when we know Jesus; a good relationship with Him will nourish us through all other earthly relationships.
Ecclesiastes 4:9–12 “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” 


Having God as the core of our relationships is a very important concept. Likewise, the core of our bodies needs to be 1 of the strongest muscle groups to support us in life and in all yoga poses! Boat Pose is a great pose for strengthening the core muscles.
  • Start sitting up tall on the floor with legs stretched out in front
  • Bend both knees and plant the soles of the feet onto the mat, hip width apart
  • Place hands behind each knee begin to roll the shoulders down the back and gently lift the sternum
*Ensure that you keep the back of the neck long, by slightly tucking the chin
  • Engage the core, drawing the abdominals in tight while you slowly continue to lift through the top of the sternum & lean back slightly
*As you do this make sure your back doesn't round
  • Begin to straighten out the legs only as much as your lower back allows you without pain
*Watch for tension that may begin to sneak up into the tops of your shoulders and neck
  • Maybe the body is strong enough to let go of the backs of the knees, stretching the arms out to shoulder height with your palms facing one another
*Keep the spine and breathe long, balance on your bottom and gaze at your toes
  • Hold here for several full inhales and exhales, keeping the core tight
  • To come out, bring the hands to the backs of the knees and bring the feet down slowly

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