Galatians 5:1 "Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you."
In today’s' society, most people are committed to self-love & to each one doing their own thing, pursuing their own happiness, comfort, and peace. This commitment to self has many negative consequences. As followers of Christ, the Bible teaches us to have love for God, love for one’s neighbor, to have pursuit and advance the kingdom of God on Earth. This requires the denial of the self-life, so that we might be free to live for God & others.
Galatians chapter 5 is one of the key passages in Scripture dealing with the Spirit-filled life or walking by way of the Holy Spirit who dwells in every believer. Paul, the author of Galatians, has a message that centers on a believer’s freedom & that the believer in Christ is a freed man! However, Paul is concerned about the wrong influence of man’s perspective about freedom. To the world, freedom means the right to be & do as you please, how you please, when you please, where you please. The Bible teaches (as well as a simple observation of life) that such a perspective is not freedom. It is instead an excuse to throw off the moral restraints of God in pursuit of selfish goals.
Galatians 5:13 "You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love."
Freedom is an inner contentment with who we are in Christ and with what we have. It means the willingness and ability to allow God to be in control of your life. In Galatians, Paul knew that if we were going to be able to serve one another in love, we would need strength from a source other than ourselves. We would need to deal with ourselves honestly, through confession, and by the power of the Holy Spirit. In becoming less of ourselves and more of Him, giving Him control, we find true freedom—the freedom to be what we were designed to be & experience true joy.
- Starting in Mountain pose
- Step back with the left foot about 4- 4 ½ feet
- Turn the toes of the left foot to face the long edge of the mat
- Heels should be aligned
- Extend the arms at shoulder height with palms up
- Bend the front leg, aiming towards a 90° angle, making sure to keep the torso engaged, with the chest lifted and open towards heaven
- The thigh bone should be parallel to the floor and the shin should be vertical
- Do not take the knee past the ankle, as this puts undue pressure on the joint
- Turn the head to look over the front shoulder
- Tuck the tailbone to lift up in the torso & rotate the hips open
Hold the position for several breaths & repeat on the opposite side.
This is a message of hope; of the good news that God is not through with us yet. That we are still part of His vision for our lives. No matter what we have done, where we have been...the vision still has it's appointed time in our lives. I love this verse and I love how it intertwines within our yoga practice and our spiritual practice both. Think about a pose like perhaps the balancing half moon. It takes some practice and some awareness and some time to get this pose down. It does not come naturally! However, what if every time you attempted the pose, no matter how full your expression was or how well you feel you did, you could hear a still small voice whisper "the vision still has it's time". Doesn't that usher in a sense of peace, or rest! As if to say, don't give up, keep practicing because it will come and it will not disappoint. As long as there is breath between your lungs and perhaps far after, "the vision still has it's time". Now spiritually speaking, I don't think a day goes by that I couldn't need to hear these words as I rise in the morning. As when my eyes fluttered open each dawn I would hear Him say, "Good Morning sweet Sarah, for the vision still has it's time, it is still pressing on to fulfillment.....Oh and it will not disappoint!" So may this pose encourage you today, not discourage! May this pose let you revel in the celebration that "the vision still has it's time". That God is not through with you, that He is using every ounce of your life, your experience and your practice to bring the vision forth. It will not disappoint and if it delays...wait for it!!! It will surely come and it will be exactly on time!
- starting from a standing pose
- Swan dive towards the floor into a forward fold
- keeping both hands on the floor, bending the knees as necessary
- step the right foot back into a lunge
- keeping the finger tips on the floor walk them forward 10-12 inches
- root down through the four corners of the left foot and rest your weight over the left thigh
- begin to straighten the left leg while simultaneously lifting the right foot off of the floor as high as you are able, if you aren't ready to take the toes completely off the floor then stay there for several breaths and try once more
- as you lift the right foot off the floor, open the hip towards the side, stacking the hips one on top of the other
- You can stay here with both hands on the floor or
- you can move on, keeping the left hand on the ground
- begin to open the heart and send the right hand towards the sky
- following the hand with your gaze to ensure focus
- once there hold or attempt to contract the abdominal muscles and lift the fingers from the floor maintaining your balance and the pose
- BREATHE...."the vision still has it's time"
- Rest In Him and repeat on the other side
When I am Afraid by Laura Hackett
Believe by The Branches
Live For You by Rachael Lampa
I love you. And the vision He has for your life is so beautiful. I can't wait to get back and watch is unravel and maybe be so blessed to be a part of it once again. :)
ReplyDeleteI love you.
You are a part of it no matter where you are sweet matter where! I love you ;)