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Together we burn brighter! |
The term "the body" has many connotations; and here we will explore a few! There is the physical body, we will include the mind for all intensive purposes; the body that needs a delicate balance of nourishment, challenge, introspect, purpose, kindness, movement, intensity and rest to function at its best. That balance is extremely hard to master if you do not take note of the spiritual body; the body that calls out for more depth and meaning, surrenders it's will, acknowledges it's weakness, embraces a reality beyond itself, and learns to abide in the hands of the One who created it all! Our Spiritual body in turn keeps our physical body well and vise verse. This allows continual healing on the deepest levels! Our idea of whole health includes all aspects; physical, spiritual and mental. There is a word the Hebrew used, the word Nephesh, this word embodies the physical body, soul and spirit together with no distinction and no separation. They work as one. Therefore what the body feels cannot be hidden from the soul and what the soul feels cannot be hidden from the body. This explains so many of our modern day illnesses and sufferings. When we are stressed physically we suffer spiritually. When we are empty spiritually we become physically drained as the result. Yoga is the perfect place to start bringing the two together into harmony; to begin to become in tune with both our physical body, through the movements and breath. And also with our spiritual body, through the Word, worship, prayer and meditation. Both are a practice; Healthy living is a practice and spiritual discipleship is a practice! I say this to secure this idea that it is not a formula or a perfection we are striving to achieve, but instead a daily practice. The more we practice the better and more natural it all begins to feel. You can find a very special place on your mat, a place where only you and Him go. A place of surrender and stillness of the spirit paired with movement and detoxification of the body! A place to rest, to heal and listen for the voice of God!
The other type of "Body" pertains to all of us as a whole unit. The Body of Christ. The bible says it clearly; we need each other, we each have precious gifts to offer one another, we each have encouragement and love to share between one another, we each have wisdom and discernment to receive from one another. If we can find a community amongst all the babble, we will find life on a much more meaningful and healthy level! Our lights will shine brighter together than apart! Won't you please consider joining this practice and enjoying this community?
Meet the "Body" so far....
Nicole Atteberry
I feel that God’s calling for my life is to help others lead mentally, spiritually, physically and emotionally healthy lifestyles, by encouraging people through Gods direction.
Just a few facts about me, I’m born and raised in Oklahoma and am currently, a graduate student in Wellness Management- Exercise Science, at the University of Central Oklahoma. The education I’ve received has been a great tool which God has given me to carry out His calling for my life. Growing up, I struggled with a variety of issues, which I tried sorting through on my own, by using the “world’s” resources. At some point during that time, I realized I could not do this on my own, and my attempts at life always left me unfulfilled. In my journey of developing a relationship with Christ, I began letting go of trying to control my own life and instead began listening to Him. This is a daily decision, and act of surrender. Surrendering my own will in order to listen to God; in doing this, God has begun restoring me into the woman He intended.
I enjoy reading, learning, working out, yoga, growing in my relationship with Christ and spending time with friends and family, especially my Pomeranian, Leo!
“The place that God calls us is that place where the world’s deep hunger and our deep desire meet.” Frederick Buechner
My passion is life, my gift is love! I use the understanding that God has given me about the human condition to help people heal. Healing comes on many levels and through many avenues. I simply stand with them and help to orient their circumstances towards the Light; the One and True Healer God. I am a health counselor by trade; I walk with the Holy Spirit in helping find the needs in others and then fostering an environment for their journeys to wellness. I am a single mom of a wonderful gift, my daughter Davyn. She is part of my healing and an absolute wonder to learn from! I love to read, write, encourage, laugh, cry, run, sew, play music, teach, yoga, create and breathe! I find life in the little things and see Gods love and presence in all things! I love to learn and I have a lot of education, but the most valuable cannot be measured by man because is was God given through the things He knew I needed most. My achievements are scribed by His hand in His book, so I won't try to reveal them here; besides, what I think I have accomplished surely pails in comparison to what He is doing through me! When I say "I love you", I mean it more than you may ever know! Rest In Him Sarah
P.S. if you need me contact me by phone, email, facebook, smoke signal or prayer.....