Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Week 20 of 52week challenge!!! It is going by way too fast...try to keep up!


Knowing when to let go....this is a practice; not a mastery for most of us. One that requires that we understand when and where to let go. I use the bow pose because I think it is a great metaphor for the reality of this concept. You see, we must first learn to draw back the bow...with strength and courage in order that we let go of it, properly releasing the arrow where it is intended to travel. Much like our walk we must first draw back into the Lord, before we are able to let go. There is so much just bubbling around under the surface of our consciousness. Things we do not see or understand about ourselves, our reality or others. We must first learn the practice of drawing back, making it a continuous method of building foundation and strength. This allows us to grow in understanding of how this design truly works. Once we understand this concept the rest seems to fall into place. We seem to find ourselves where we need to be, in the safety of His arms, when we are ready to release our bows; letting go of whatever had been long since tied around the arrow and piercing our delicate hearts. You see the simple habit of drawing back into Him allows Him to arm the bow with whatever He desires to free us from....and then with you, firmly in His grasp He watches as it is sent away from your heart....allowing you to heal; to experience longer piercing your soul, your mind, or your body. This happens sometimes without your awareness, you simple understood it was time to draw back and it was there that God had done the rest. May each of us realize the strength of a warrior lies in their capacity to know when to draw back; when and where to release are His gifts to our practice.  Sit in the tension of this pose aware of the continuous practice that contemplative prayer requires of us and may you become assured it is a practice to be partaken throughout the entirety of our journeys; with hope it will become more accurate as we grow and the arrows will be released effortlessly every time!


~ Lie down on your belly with your hands at your sides, palms up. (You can lie on a folded blanket or towel to pad the front of your torso and legs.) 
~Exhale and bend your knees, bringing your heels as close as you can to your bottom.
~ Reach back with your hands and take hold of your ankles (but not the tops of the feet). ***Make sure your knees aren't wider than the width of your hips, and keep your knees hip width for the duration of the pose.
~Inhale and strongly lift your heels away from your buttocks and, at the same time, lift your thighs away from the floor. This will have the effect of pulling your upper body and head off the floor. 
~Press the tailbone down toward the floor, and keep your back muscles soft. As you continue lifting the heels and thighs higher, press your shoulder blades firmly against your back to open your heart. Draw the tops of the shoulders away from your ears. Gaze forward.
~With the belly pressed against the floor, breathing will be difficult. Breathe more into the back of your torso, and be sure not to stop breathing.
~Stay in this pose anywhere from 20 to 30 seconds. Release as you exhale, and lie quietly for a few breaths. You can repeat the pose once or twice more.



Distracted: 1. Preoccupied: showing a lack of concentration 2. Anxious: so worried or upset as to be unable to think clearly or act sensibly 

Life is full of distractions!
Everybody knows you can read the Bible and at the same time think about something so far away, that you may not even remember which passage you have read afterwards. You can go to church and listen to the most spirit-filled sermon and yet, never hear one word of it. You can pray as much as you want and yet, never turn your mind towards God during your prayer. We, as people, have an amazing ability to listen and yet not hear. That’s why Jesus said: “Let those that have ears, HEAR (not just listen) what the Spirit says”.

Revelation 2:7 “He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches.”

The path of walking with God is a narrow road. So, we cannot afford to get distracted, as we can fall off very easily. There are all kinds of distractions at both sides of that road, which may stray us to compromise our life and calling, our family, or our leading from the Lord.

Thank you Lord for your mercy!
He has the ability and wants to lift us up every time we fall in the ditch. However, He teaches us to learn how to walk more and more steadily on that narrow path as we grow in Him. Just as a parent’s relationship with their child, the parent helps them walk steadily when they are small and inexperienced, but as they grow up, the child starts walking on their own. In the same way, as we grow in the Spirit, we are not supposed to grow only in our knowledge, activities, etc., but also in our walk on that narrow road, which includes our personal relationship with the Lord Himself and our following His purposes and intentions. That’s why the Lord tells us our lives are at stake, and not to turn to the right or the left, but to walk straight ahead in the way set before us. 
Proverbs 4:25-27 “Keep your eyes straight ahead; ignore all sideshow distractions. Watch your step, and the road will stretch out smooth before you. Look neither right nor left; leave evil in the dust.”


When distractions arise it’s easy, and almost second nature for us to try to hold onto them. This may lead to tension in the body in areas like the neck, shoulder, and spine. Cat/ Cow stretch is a nice pose to practice when feeling this tension. 

  • Starting on all fours, in a table top position with a neutral and straight spine
- Line up: knees with the hips and hands with the shoulders
If uncomfortable to the wrist, you can make fists with the hands
- Center the head and neck in a neutral position with the eyes looking toward the floor
  • Exhale, get all of the air out and round the upper part of your back (the space between your shoulder blades) to the sky
  • Chin tucks in towards the chest, let your head follow, feeling a stretch the back of your neck
  • At the same time, your tailbone should tip down and tuck under while you pull your abdomen upward. Imagine an angry cat that has puffed up its back
  • Coming back into your neutral spine
  • On the inhale, do just the opposite of cat pose
  • curve in the back
  • tilt the tail up to the sky
  • draw the shoulder blades together and down your back
  • Feel a great stretch in the front of the torso as you gaze up
  • Always come back to your neutral spine, and repeat for several breathes

Monday, March 19, 2012

WEEK 19 OF 52!!! Are we having fun yet???


Christianity has many symbols to represent its beliefs and faith in Jesus Christ; the Cross, Triangle, and Fish to name a few. The fish is an early Christian symbol, derived from the Greek word “ichthus,” and translated in English to the word “fish.” The original Greek word for fish is an acrostic. Each letter in the Greek word for fish “ichthus” represents another word: 
  • “I”- Jesus 
  • “ch”- Christ 
  • “th”- God’s 
  • “u”- Son 
  • “s”- Savior 
According to tradition, ancient Christians, during their persecution by the Roman Empire in the first few centuries after Christ, used the fish symbol to mark meeting places and tombs, or to distinguish friends from foes. The symbol of the fish is mentioned throughout the Bible several times and has different symbolic meanings. Such as, the story in Luke when Christ fed the 5,000 with 2 fishes and 5 loaves; also in the book of Mark, when Jesus called his disciples "fishers of men."
Mark 1:16-17 “Passing along the beach of Lake Galilee, He saw Simon and his brother Andrew net-fishing. Fishing was their regular work. Jesus said to them, "Come with me. I'll make a new kind of fisherman out of you. I'll show you how to catch men and women instead of perch and bass."
Habakkuk 1:14 “You're treating men and women as so many fish in the ocean, Swimming without direction, swimming but not getting anywhere.”


Ultimately, the use of symbols in the Christian faith should be used as a means to draw us into a deeper relationship with Him. As you practice this week’s challenge poses, try meditating on what God would like you to glean from such symbols of the Christian faith.  
  1. Begin lying in Corpse Pose, with hands at sides and palms facing down
  2. Then rock your body to each side in order to place the hands below the buttocks, resting your bottom on the backs of your hands (keep hands in this position throughout this pose) 
  3. Press the feet, ankles and legs together and flex your feet so toes are pointing toward the sky, feeling everything engage
  4. Gently press your bottom down onto the tops of your hands. You may need to scoot your elbows a little closer together underneath your back as they will be a main support in this posture. 
  5. Press your elbows and forearms into the floor evenly, lifting your back up off the floor. 
  6. Inhale and arc your chest to the sky as you drop your head back
  7. Let the crown of your head lightly touch the floor or hover the crown just slightly, placing no weight on your head and neck
Focus on:
  • Reaching the heels away and keeping the legs engaged
  • With every inhale increase the arc and gently open your chest a little more. Hold here for several breaths, about 15- 20 seconds
  • To release out, engage the core and inhale your head up so it’s in line with the rest of your spine and exhale gently lower back to the floor
  • Release your hands out from under your bottom
****Take caution in this pose if you have Neck, Shoulder, Back, Elbow, or Wrist Injuries; avoid pose if serious low back or neck issues exist
Benefits: Opens chest and stimulates thyroid

Sometimes one must be willing to enter the darkness in order to find the Light. Rabbits are interesting animals, they are perfectly fine grounded above the earth's surface, but also they are at home beneath the surface. In the face of darkness they do not require an outside source of light to direct their steps. Instead they rely on something that is already inside; something quietly, simply waiting to be noticed and trusted. The question then becomes will you follow Him into the rabbit hole; the unknown, the darkest places of your soul? Will you just go, without first seeking an outside source to light the way? Resting on the awareness of His Presence and the Light shining within your heart; no matter how dim it may seem in the darkness of the underneath? It's a matter of finding comfort in the uncertain territory not because you know yourself but because you know The Inner Light. "Noverim Te, Noverim Me" translated in action "May I know You, may I know myself." I do not believe that you can truly have the latter without the previous. Face your fears and leave what feels like solid ground to enter a whole new reality, a whole new love before the only One who knows you and is willing to the Light the way from the inside out!

~Starting from childs pose
~Begin to press the forehead gentle towards the knees
~Extend your arms backwards and grab hold of your heals if able, ankles or calves will work just fine as well
~Taking a deep breath in and on the exhale begin lifting the hips towards the sky
~Attempting to keep the forehead as close as possible to the knees with the crown of the head towards the floor
~Contract your abdominal muscles and breath, holding and waiting for the Light to come and reveal the way you must go.....
~Relax as needed then repeat as needed ;)

The Door by Jill Phillips
Windows of Thy Grace by Red Mountain Church
Cielo by Phil Wickham

Monday, March 12, 2012

Week 18 has arrived!!!!


Calm your mind child, there is nothing I cannot handle. Still your heart child, there is nothing of which I am unaware. Rest in Me child let all other things fall away from you ~ God 
We do not understand ourselves. We do not know who we are. We cannot understand the vastness of this mystery. But God......He does! So all that our minds run through, over and under is often futile. This pose is a mental surrender of getting off your own feet and into His hands. Seek out a quiet space, close your eyes slightly. Remain as still as possible. Begin by trying to hear just one word; a word that draws your heart towards His. Any word that works for you and then begin to whisper that word again and again unto yourself. Listen to the word as you say it. Heart full of faith and hope and love; do not think, or imagine anything. Do not conjure up a spiritual experience, simply remain where you are, free of thought. If any thoughts or images arise, simply return your attention to the word. Whenever you become aware of such wondering simply draw back and whisper the word once more. Do not expect, do not relent, do not fear or wrestle...just let Him pour into you however He sees fit. Experience Him without confines, surrendered and still. Enjoy what only this type of prayer offers; rest and renewal, faith and fullness, heart and soul! Get off your feet and into His arms; we could all use a little rest, especially within our minds..... 


  1. Sit next to a wall so that your hip touches it. Slowly bend your knees in to your chest.
  2. Begin to lower yourself to the floor using your elbows to support your upper body. Roll so that your legs are going up the wall.
  3. Then release your elbows and lower your whole torso to the ground.
  4. Creating length in the spine, adjust your head so that the base is away from your neck. Opening your heart and pulling your shoulder blades down your back and let your arms rest at your sides, palms up.
  5. While keeping your legs firm enough to remain on the wall, let their weight settle into your pelvis. Soften your belly and let it sink into your torso. Close your eyes. Calm your mind.
    ***For this pose, you may want support your lower back by using a small bolster or several folded blankets placed near the wall, under the hips.
If you are comfortable, stay in this position for several minutes. To let yourself out of the pose, bring your knees to your chest and roll to your side. Stay on your side for a few minutes, then rise up slowly. This pose is also helpful if you struggle with insomnia, it helps the mind find rest that pours over into the body.
An Unseen World by Paul Cardall
Abandonment(feat Laura Hackett) by Ronda Adams
A Silent Tear by Joe Yamada

One of the first topics recorded in the Bible, starting in Genesis, is about relationships on earth. In fact, the entire Bible reveals God’s plan and incredible love for His children; through knowing and having relationship with our savior, Jesus Christ, everyone might have a new relationship in the family of God by grace through faith. Our relationship with Jesus is the only relationship that is guaranteed for all of eternity. Our relationship with God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit should be our most important relationship above all, as a when we know Jesus; a good relationship with Him will nourish us through all other earthly relationships.
Ecclesiastes 4:9–12 “Two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble. Likewise, two people lying close together can keep each other warm. But how can one be warm alone? A person standing alone can be attacked and defeated, but two can stand back-to-back and conquer. Three are even better, for a triple-braided cord is not easily broken.” 


Having God as the core of our relationships is a very important concept. Likewise, the core of our bodies needs to be 1 of the strongest muscle groups to support us in life and in all yoga poses! Boat Pose is a great pose for strengthening the core muscles.
  • Start sitting up tall on the floor with legs stretched out in front
  • Bend both knees and plant the soles of the feet onto the mat, hip width apart
  • Place hands behind each knee begin to roll the shoulders down the back and gently lift the sternum
*Ensure that you keep the back of the neck long, by slightly tucking the chin
  • Engage the core, drawing the abdominals in tight while you slowly continue to lift through the top of the sternum & lean back slightly
*As you do this make sure your back doesn't round
  • Begin to straighten out the legs only as much as your lower back allows you without pain
*Watch for tension that may begin to sneak up into the tops of your shoulders and neck
  • Maybe the body is strong enough to let go of the backs of the knees, stretching the arms out to shoulder height with your palms facing one another
*Keep the spine and breathe long, balance on your bottom and gaze at your toes
  • Hold here for several full inhales and exhales, keeping the core tight
  • To come out, bring the hands to the backs of the knees and bring the feet down slowly

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

The Week 17 out of 52 challenging weeks....


Galatians 5:1 "Christ has set us free to live a free life. So take your stand! Never again let anyone put a harness of slavery on you."

In today’s' society, most people are committed to self-love & to each one doing their own thing, pursuing their own happiness, comfort, and peace. This commitment to self has many negative consequences. As followers of Christ, the Bible teaches us to have love for God, love for one’s neighbor, to have pursuit and advance the kingdom of God on Earth. This requires the denial of the self-life, so that we might be free to live for God & others. 
Galatians chapter 5 is one of the key passages in Scripture dealing with the Spirit-filled life or walking by way of the Holy Spirit who dwells in every believer. Paul, the author of Galatians, has a message that centers on a believer’s freedom & that the believer in Christ is a freed man! However, Paul is concerned about the wrong influence of man’s perspective about freedom. To the world, freedom means the right to be & do as you please, how you please, when you please, where you please. The Bible teaches (as well as a simple observation of life) that such a perspective is not freedom. It is instead an excuse to throw off the moral restraints of God in pursuit of selfish goals.

Galatians 5:13 "You, my brothers and sisters, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the flesh; rather, serve one another humbly in love."

Freedom is an inner contentment with who we are in Christ and with what we have. It means the willingness and ability to allow God to be in control of your life. In Galatians, Paul knew that if we were going to be able to serve one another in love, we would need strength from a source other than ourselves. We would need to deal with ourselves honestly, through confession, and by the power of the Holy Spirit. In becoming less of ourselves and more of Him, giving Him control, we find true freedom—the freedom to be what we were designed to be & experience true joy. 


  1. Starting in Mountain pose
  2. Step back with the left foot about 4- 4 ½ feet
  3. Turn the toes of the left foot to face the long edge of the mat
    1. Heels should be aligned 
  4. Extend the arms at shoulder height with palms up
  5. Bend the front leg, aiming towards a 90° angle, making sure to keep the torso engaged, with the chest lifted and open towards heaven

- The thigh bone should be parallel to the floor and the shin should be vertical
- Do not take the knee past the ankle, as this puts undue pressure on the joint
- Turn the head to look over the front shoulder
- Tuck the tailbone to lift up in the torso & rotate the hips open
 Hold the position for several breaths & repeat on the opposite side. 

For the vision still has it's time, presses on to fulfillment and will not disappoint; If it delays, wait for it, it will surely come, it will not be late. Habakkuk 2:3

This is a message of hope; of the good news that God is not through with us yet. That we are still part of His vision for our lives. No matter what we have done, where we have been...the vision still has it's appointed time in our lives. I love this verse and I love how it intertwines within our yoga practice and our spiritual practice both. Think about a pose like perhaps the balancing half moon. It takes some practice and some awareness and some time to get this pose down. It does not come naturally! However, what if every time you attempted the pose, no matter how full your expression was or how well you feel you did, you could hear a still small voice whisper "the vision still has it's time". Doesn't that usher in a sense of peace, or rest! As if to say, don't give up, keep practicing because it will come and it will not disappoint. As long as there is breath between your lungs and perhaps far after, "the vision still has it's time". Now spiritually speaking, I don't think a day goes by that I couldn't need to hear these words as I rise in the morning.  As when my eyes fluttered open each dawn I would hear Him say, "Good Morning sweet Sarah, for the vision still has it's time, it is still pressing on to fulfillment.....Oh and it will not disappoint!" So may this pose encourage you today, not discourage! May this pose let you revel in the celebration that "the vision still has it's time". That God is not through with you, that He is using every ounce of your life, your experience and your practice to bring the vision forth. It will not disappoint and if it delays...wait for it!!! It will surely come and it will be exactly on time!


  1. starting from a standing pose
  2. Swan dive towards the floor into a forward fold
  3. keeping both hands on the floor, bending the knees as necessary
  4. step the right foot back into a lunge
  5. keeping the finger tips on the floor walk them forward 10-12 inches
  6. root down through the four corners of the left foot and rest your weight over the left thigh
  7. begin to straighten the left leg while simultaneously lifting the right foot off of the floor as high as you are able, if you aren't ready to take the toes completely off the floor then stay there for several breaths and try once more
  8. as you lift the right foot off the floor, open the hip towards the side, stacking the hips one on top of the other
  9. You can stay here with both hands on the floor or 
  10. you can move on, keeping the left hand on the ground 
  11. begin to open the heart and send the right hand towards the sky
  12. following the hand with your gaze to ensure focus
  13. once there hold or attempt to contract the abdominal muscles and lift the fingers from the floor maintaining your balance and the pose
  14. BREATHE...."the vision still has it's time"
  15. Rest In Him and repeat on the other side 
When I am Afraid by Laura Hackett 
Believe by The Branches
Live For You by Rachael Lampa