Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Week 8/52 week challenge....
A bind is a way to secure two things together. Binding is also what God does to our wounds. As humans we find ourselves binding to one of two major concepts! We either bind to fear, or to Love. In every experience we encounter we have the choice what we will become bound to; Fear or Love. They both are powerful, tho Love wins. They both are real, tho Love is the Truth. They both are present, tho Love is greater. They both are necessary, tho Love is prevailing. You have a choice to make in every moment....will I be bound by Fear or bound to Love. God created you, He bound you to His Love despite your lack of understanding or acceptance. This is simply the Truth. But we as we face this world often chose the lesser reality of fear. Because ultimately fear seems much more tangeable in a world like ours then does Love. So be honest with yourself, in this moment are you in fear of anything? Beware fear takes the form of anger, sadness, shame, anxiety and other emotions. So really get still and ask God to reveal the areas that fear is shadowing out His Love and ask for Him to let you feel His binding Love deeply. Take that fear and hold it up to the Lens of Love and see what God sees. For example, if your fear is that you are all of those things that another person just called you. Or that you are all the things you think you are. Then take those and hold them before God'and ask Him if any of those things would change His Love for you? Let Him answer you.....silence your thoughts, so you can find your breath, silence your breath, so you can feel your heart, silence your heart, so you can recognize your spirit; then silence your spirit so that you can Hear His Spirit whisper of the Story of His Great Love for you and be bound there as long as you need!!!! Nothing can seperate you from it....not your insecuriities, not your confusion, and not your fear....
~ starting from a seated pose
~ keep left leg bent and in contact with the floor
~ while drawing the right knee in towards the heart
~ placing the right foot down onto the ground outside of the left leg, which is on the floor
~ Begin by twisting left through the torso first
~ really rising up through the crown of the head and twisting deep through the torso
~ Taking your right elbow and lining it up with the right knee
~ placing the left hand on the ground behind you, twist even deeper
~ then if you have it available take the left hand and reach it behind you grabbing hold of your hip, thigh or tshirt
~ finally if you have it available reach your right arm down and around the right knee and attempt to grasp onto the left hand; creating a bind
~ breath here and deepen the twist, asking for God to bring the bind of His Love into clarity for you...Hold until you feel this or you can no longer hold on in your own strength
~ repeat on the other side
I Knew What I Was Getting Into by Misty Edwards
After The Storm by Mumford and Sons
The Light Will Come by Phil Wickham
All of us long to connect with someone who can identify with our circumstances and share in our day-to-day life. God is available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and prayer allows for just that, a personal experience and intimate connection with our loving Heavenly Father. The invitation to pray is given to us each and every day. Throughout the Bible, we read stories of different men and women responding to the invitation to pray and engage in conversation with God. Prayer is the ability to stand before God at any time and share your wants, needs, desires, hopes, and dreams with Him. It is simply an open and honest conversation between you and the creator of the universe. God's “voice” invites us into a deeper relationship with Him through prayer. He knows everything you ever did and He still loves you! He knows your future and He has the best plans for your life. He cares for you so much that He gave His Son so that you could be with Him forever.
“For God so loved the world, the He gave His one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life” John 3:16.
Prayer is important because God created us to have free will; He wants us to come to Him willingly. He has given us a mind to make decisions and the most important decision is about eternity. Even though He knows the future, WE don’t know the future choices that WE will make; it’s important to live by His guidance to make the right ones. As you pray consistently, you are affirming the existence of God in your life. You are building your faith as you see God’s hand do His work on your behalf, all just because you asked.
1 John 5:14-15 "This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us. And if we know that He hears us - whatever we ask - we know that we have what we asked of Him."
A comforting pose that encourages a sense of nurturing and security, as we can imagine resting with God as we pray. It is a great pose to simply breathe into, slow down, and just be with Him.
- Kneeling on the floor
- Bring the big toes together and sit on the heels, separating the knees about as wide as the hips
- Exhale and extend forward, laying the trunk out over the thighs
Arm options:
- Reach the arms forward, placing the palms down and shoulder width apart OR
- Bring the arms back alongside the shins and rest the backs of the hands on the floor
- Stay in this pose as long as you like
Child’s pose is considered a restorative posture that can be done to precede or follow any pose. It stretches the hips, thighs and ankles gently. It also helps relieve stress and fatigue, and calms the brain.
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