Romans 12:2 “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.”
In the Bible you can see contrasting pairs of people; for example, Mary and Martha. They both loved Jesus, but they had varying levels of understanding, faith, and devotion. However, Jesus did not have a set standard he followed when choosing his disciples and followers… if they believed and were working towards having a relationship with God that was enough! The same holds true today, we may still have known sin in our lives but as long as we believe and are working towards a better, more true relationship with our father, the son, and the Holy Spirit that is enough!
For some of us, this may be a big obstacle…admitting we do not know everything and that WE are not in control. When we come to the realization that there is still much to learn, we open the door to become a lifelong learner. In our walk with Him, God reveals Himself when we surrender to His word and to being lead by the Holy Spirit. God does not simply want us to try harder or sin less, but also to depend on His Spirit and allow us to be transformed into someone who loves to please Him through eager obedience. When that happens, sin will naturally become less of second nature to us and we will be able to follow Gods direction instead.
Psalm 25:14 “The Lord confides in those who fear Him; He makes His covenant known to them.”
- Lie flat on the floor on the belly with the arms by the sides and the feet hip width apart
- Place the hands on the sides of the chest, a bit behind the shoulders
- Press the tops of the feet down and reach through the legs, feeling as if the buttocks and the backs of the thighs are widening and softened
- Exhale and either lift up in engaging the arms one fluid motion as you widen the collarbones and upper back evenly
- Break it down into two stages: first lifting the head, shoulders and chest, then curling the spine all the way up as you press the palms back and reach the sides of the trunk up and forward
- Releasing the neck back and taking your gaze towards the ceiling
- Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds
- Exhale and release down with control
Come fly with Me? ~God
I do not know about you, but I don't want to run another day, instead I would rather stand with my wings spread wide waiting on the "Wind" to come and take me wherever I am supposed to go. In Isaiah 40:28-31 a truly profound message is revealed; a call to this very act of surrender. "God has lost track of me. He doesn't care what happens to me?" How many times have you thought or felt like this? The reply, "Don't you know anything? Haven't you been listening? God does not come and go...GOD LASTS! He's Creator of all you can see or imagine. He doesn't get tired out, doesn't pause to catch His breath. And He knows EVERYTHING, inside and out. He energizes those who get weary, gives new strength to those who are week. For even young people grow tired and week, they stumble and fall. But those who wait upon the Lord get new strength. They spread their wings and soar like eagles...."
So again I say, "Come Fly with Me~
Before you find your way into this pose, I beg you to find a song....through your own collection or click the song title for a wonderful recommendation... Wait Upon the Wind
Clear your mind and come with a surrendered will, opening your hands to let go of any control you may think you have, releasing your need to try to climb the wall in front of you, or fly by your own mechanism.....simply surrender and respond, "I will come fly with You Lord; take me away...."
~starting in Mountain pose begin to transfer your weight over to your right foot
~root down all four corners of your right foot
~gently bring your left foot onto the ball, resting your weight on the right foot
~taking your right arm out in front of you, bending the elbow to make a 90 degree angle
~gently taking the back of the left hand under the right arm and wrapping it around as far as you are able
~ now lower the shoulders away from the ears, lift the elbows towards the sky and send the hands away from you slightly
~you should feel a strong stretch across the shoulders...breath here and realize that this strain is from all you are carrying; with each breath let it go
~sitting your hips back as if sitting in a chair

~now spread your wings, open your arms and soar
~release your left leg back to the floor and keep the back tall and flat with the arms breath and let Him take over...wait upon the Wind
~Repeat other side
Wait Upon The Wind by Jason Upton
Be Still by Josh White
With Wings by Amy Stroup
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