Have you ever had one of those weeks where everything turned upside down and you could not seem to find where you were standing. Well this week has been like that to me. One thing showed up out of no where and everything started changing. I couldn't keep my brain focused let alone my body or soul. I couldn't see ahead of me, but I knew I was standing on the verge of something new and something amazing. But it just looked like a whirl wind in the moment. I began to wonder what on earth was going on, when calmly and quietly God whispered, "Keep Your Eyes On Me, just keep your eyes on me." He brought me to Peter and the other disciples standing outside Gethsemane, with Jesus. They had no idea what all was about to happen and Jesus simply said to them, "This is serious, please wait and watch with Me." I guess this just made sense to me today, in the middle of the whirlwind, the only thing you need to do is Keep your eyes on Him, and Wait and Watch what He does, because it will not be what you expected. It will be far better, a Risen Savior....even after all the suffering, the denial, the pain, the betrayal....there He stood Alive again! So whatever you may be facing may I encourage you, first that you have no idea what is really about to go down; so don't assume you do. And second, if you just wait and watch, keeping your eyes fixed on Him, you will find yourself in the safest place as the chaos spins around you; and you will see something beyond expectation rise out of the ashes...just wait for it!!! This pose is a combination of inversion, balance, strength and stretch...all the things that this journey will present to us and all opportunities to Keep Our Eyes On Him, watching and waiting for what He will do next....
This pose is perfect because it tasks all of your muscles in order to stay focused and to reach deeper.
~I like to start this pose from Warrior I, right leg forward first
~Cartwheeling the hands down to the floor and pivoting onto the ball of the left foot
~taking the hands to the floor or a chair
~begin to lift the back leg off of the floor
~then reach that leg as high as you are able
~melting the heart towards your thigh and reaching with the toes to the sky
~lengthening and stretching for the standing split
~draw your forehead to the knee sinking into the pose
~lower leg and switch sides
**This pose may be done against the wall to deepen the stretch; listen to your body but focus your mind on Him that you may remain in this tasking, upside down, and difficult pose...watching and waiting, He has something remarkable in store for you!!!
Matthew 26:38 by Marcy Priest-The Artist Bible
Don’t let the world take away your peace, wear your “peace” as a garland of protection and a connection with your Lord at all times.
- Starting in Mountain Pose with the palms of the hands together in prayer pose
- Step feet open a little bit more than hip width apart with feet turned out slightly, rotating the legs slightly outward
- Inhale, bringing your arms overhead, turning your palms to face each other
- Exhale, as you release the arms bringing them into a straight line, hinging at the hips and leading with the chest, fold forward, making sure to keep a straight spine and release the finger tips to the ground
- When fingertips touch down, inhale and deeply bend the knees and lower hips down into a deep squat
- Exhale, bring palms together for prayer pose, and use the elbows as levers to open your knees a little farther, keeping the spine long and chest open. Feel tension in the lower back begin to melt away.
- If your heels aren't planted down, try opening your feet a little wider apart
- Hold here for several breaths
- To come out, place hands on the floor and straighten your legs. Next, slowly roll up one vertebra at a time and step your feet together in Mountain Pose.
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