Monday, February 20, 2012

week 15 of 52 week challenge

Compassion is a funny thing. If we are honest we know that with everyone we see,  we are secretly whispering to them "Love me." Of course we do not say it out loud, otherwise we would be called crazy. But we do it through all other actions. There is a great pull in man to connect. So why not become the one who lives with eyes wide open that are always saying what every other heart in the world is dying to hear. What if we became the connection we so desperately long for... This is how Jesus came to us. He would see our deepest need of Love and Compassion and Healing and He would become all of those things to us. So why not let your eyes reflect His nature, so that one or two can see themselves through the eyes of Compassion. Wouldn't this be a much more effective reflection to offer than ourselves and our thoughts or opinions? Jesus never stopped looking at men this way; He never stops looking at you this way. Shall we open up and learn how to look at man with the eyes of Love and Compassion. The eyes of the heart and not the head.
Love one another, as I have loved you....

~starting from a kneeling position; knees directly below the hips. Ensuring that the tops of the feet are flush against the floor
~begin by making fists with each hand allowing the thumbs to point straight up
~taking those fist behind and placing them on the boney part of the low back right above the fleshy part of the bottom
~press the fists into the body there and squeeze the elbows and shoulders together
~rising through the crown of the head lengthen the spine as you draw your crown towards the back of the room
~try to relax into the pose with each breath, feeling your heart open and open some more to compassion
~if this is deep enough for you continue to repeat this pose two more times holding for 5-7 breaths each time
~if you have more available you may take one hand at a time back to the heal of the foot (as pictured) 
~continuing to make the spine long while sending the hips away; keeping the core engaged to support the spine 
~reaching, lengthening and breathing deeper and deeper still into the wisdom of compassion
~May you hear Him whisper to you here, "I love you. Now love them; it is safe to love them" 
~repeat two more times breath and releasing into this posture of an open heart and quiet mind; the birth place for compassion

Man in the Mirror(Acoustic) by James Morrison
All the Poor and Powerless by All Sons and Daughters
Mercy by Kristene Mueller


When things fall apart, it's tempting to try to use our own strength to piece it together as quickly as possible to get our old lives back. Yet, when we do that, we may miss what a crisis can offer….. an awakening to what's not working in our lives and an opening that God allowed for the potential to change and grow us. 
God plants exceptionally difficult life journeys that may unsettle our hearts and make us question our purpose. These opportunities are sometimes disguised as a loss. However, He has purpose behind the loss, a chance to reinforce our sometimes seemingly small awareness that connects us to HIM! The difficult times God allows into our lives may be His way of getting our attention and drawing us closer to Him. I think it is His hope and desire that we cling as close to Him as we could possibly get and rest there in His presence as He holds us and prepares us for His next step. Instead, sometimes we turn in the complete opposite direction, looking for whatever quick fix we can find…whether it’s another person, an addiction, obsession, etc. In my own life I have done this more times than I can count, and it has always created more problems and hurts. When we accept God’s awakening of our hearts, we can start to seek God’s greater purpose behind the calamity or loss.  
In difficult times, practicing restorative poses that help bring focus on our physical bodies and breath may help to ease the mind and melt away outside stressors. 


Head-to-knee forward bend may allow you to breathe into the stretch, allowing God to awaken the body for potential growth and change. 
  1. Start sitting upright with legs stretched out in front 
  2. Bend the left leg and place the sole of the foot on the inside of the right thigh
  3. Relax the left knee down to the floor
  4. Keep the right leg strong and extend into the right heel
  5. Inhale, elongate the spine and raise the arms overhead
  6. Exhale, leading with the chest, bend forward with a FLAT BACK over the extended leg and allow yourself to be awakened by God presence breathing throughout the entire body
  7. Grab hold of the shin, ankle, or right foot with both hands 
  8. *making sure to only go as far as comfortable for you today!
  9. Bend the elbows to the side to gently pull deeper into the bend
Hold for 8 full inhales and exhales
  • Keep the back flat and resist letting the spine curl
TIP: if you are not able to reach the extended foot…. using a belt, wrapped around the ball of the extended foot, may be helpful to ensure the spine is kept straight 

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