"How many things have to happen to you , before something occurs to you?" ~Robert Frost
Our God is a God who waits, He knows what it will take in each of our lives for the great turnabout and He waits. We must learn to wait as well; learning to trust in the seemingly slow works of God. God is laying foundations and healing wounds as He draws each one of us into wholeness and this takes time on a scale that only He can measure. Sometimes the same thing must happen again and again in our lives before finally we are prepared to see the Truth in it. I always picture walking around Jericho the seven times. Each time they were being sanctified and learning to trust deeper and listen longer and wait more patiently. By the seventh time God knew they were ready and wouldn't you know it, the walls came crashing down. They were in the promised land. So as I write this today I want you to ponder where in your life this is true, but also may you pry your hands off of others and their slow journeys and find rest knowing God is moving and working and when it is precisely the right time, they will see. It takes some of us a lot longer to find the light switch in a pitch dark room than others. We do not save people, the Light does. So from time to time in our waiting and prayers may we learn to shine our flashlights in the direction of the light switch but never try to shove someone into it. Mostly this is to encourage you that if your are on your first, second or seventh go around with a wound or struggle in your life, have no fear. Keep listening and walking in the direction you are headed and know that He is God and He is bringing it all into the Light. Do not give up, do not quite, do not give in......SOMETHING will occur to you soon enough and you will find yourself right in the center of the promised land.
~This pose takes both practice and patience
~to begin, warm up: you can stretch, jog in place, or do several sun salutations if you are familiar with any (or click link for idea)
~starting in a forward fold reach the palms of the hands to the floor in front of your feet, bending your knees as you need
~making sure fingers are spread and planted firm into the floor
~bending the elbows, hugging in towards the midline
~lower the hips coming into a squat like position
~rocking your weight forward onto the arms
~lifting the hips slightly towards the sky
~begin to walk your feet closer so that your knees can rest on the backs of the arms above the elbows
~draw your belly in and up in order to strengthen and balance the pose
~you may keep the toes on the floor experimenting with shifting your weight to find balance and drawing strength from the core as well as the shoulders
~then as you feel ready lift one foot at a time off the floor
~trying to find balance by gazing upwards
~take your time, listen to your body, search for balance and become aware of the strengthening of the core in order to support the pose
***There is so much metaphor in this pose for our message today, may you find Truth here and the grace, patience, presence and Love of the Father as you learn to wait and to become prepared to move forward into all He has promised for you..... P.S. please do not try this on a ledge until you are fully sure you're ready, and even then be cautious! ;) love you....
Waltz In 3 by Shawn McDonald
Wait Upon the Wind by Jason Upton
This is Not The End by Gungor
“I have been adopted by God” Romans 8:15
The longing to find our identity, and the questions of “who am I?” or “what is my purpose?” is something God has planted deep within each one of us. The true answers to completely satisfy us fully to those questions, can only be found through knowing our savior, Jesus Christ, and developing an intimate relationship with Him. Finding our identity, involves finding out who we are in Christ and humbly submitting to Him. Humility can be defined as beholding, or becoming, the glory of Jesus. This means to walk in obedience with Him and receive His daily grace.
The gospel is a great start to teaching us “who we are.” The Bible tells us that we are adopted by God, He choose us…even in all of our brokenness, and that we will NEVER be unadopted by Him. The Bible also teaches us what we are “called” to do. We are called to have a life of significance and service. This tells us that no matter what are “worldly” job is, (whether is a mother, student, business person, or the President), we all have a calling and how your life is TODAY, right now at this very moment, is part of your mission that God planned out for you in the beginning of time.
In life there will be many possible twists and turns. As you practice spinal twists, meditate on the path that God has chosen for you.
- Beginning in a seated position with legs facing forward and actively stretching
- Bend the right knee, drawing the sole of the foot to the mat
- Picking up foot, bring it up & over to the other side of your left thigh
- Draw the foot up as far as comfortable, while still ensuring that the four corners of that foot remain rooted down into the mat
- Staying here is fine, but perhaps the straightened left leg can bend bringing the left heel in toward the right hip
*This is only appropriate if both of your sit bones can root back down to the floor evenly, if this is not possible, straighten the leg back out
6. Next, wrap the left arm around the right knee and hug it in, helping the knee to point straight up to the sky
7. If this easy and you have a healthy shoulder, bend the left elbow and bring it up & over to the other side of the knee
8. Keep the spine long & the sternum lifted as you use your arm as a lever to help deepen the twist
9. Place the right hand behind the base of the pine with fingertips pointing away; be sure the shoulders are level
10. Twist to the right looking over the right shoulder, gazing back at the wall behind you.
*If this causes the neck some discomfort then keep the head more neutral
Really make the most of each breath; inhaling to elongate the spine & exhale, helping to gently deepen the twist. Keep the chin parallel to the floor throughout the twist.
-Hold here for several breaths then unwind slowly and repeat on left side.