Monday, February 27, 2012

Week 16 of 52 week challenge...I live for this stuff!!!

"How many things have to happen to you , before something occurs to you?" ~Robert Frost
Our God is a God who waits, He knows what it will take in each of our lives for the great turnabout and He waits. We must learn to wait as well; learning to trust in the seemingly slow works of God. God is laying foundations and healing wounds as He draws each one of us into wholeness and this takes time on a scale that only He can measure. Sometimes the same thing must happen again and again in our lives before finally we are prepared to see the Truth in it. I always picture walking around Jericho the seven times. Each time they were being sanctified and learning to trust deeper and listen longer and wait more patiently. By the seventh time God knew they were ready and wouldn't you know it, the walls came crashing down. They were in the promised land. So as I write this today I want you to ponder where in your life this is true, but also may you pry your hands off of others and their slow journeys and find rest knowing God is moving and working and when it is precisely the right time, they will see. It takes some of us a lot longer to find the light switch in a pitch dark room than others. We do not save people, the Light does. So from time to time in our waiting and prayers may we learn to shine our flashlights in the direction of the light switch but never try to shove someone into it. Mostly this is to encourage you that if your are on your first, second or seventh go around with a wound or struggle in your life, have no fear. Keep listening and walking in the direction you are headed and know that He is God and He is bringing it all into the Light. Do not give up, do not quite, do not give in......SOMETHING will occur to you soon enough and you will find yourself right in the center of the promised land.

~This pose takes both practice and patience
~to begin, warm up: you can stretch, jog in place, or do several sun salutations if you are familiar with any (or click link for idea)
~starting in a forward fold reach the palms of the hands to the floor in front of your feet, bending your knees as you need
~making sure fingers are spread and planted firm into the floor
~bending the elbows, hugging in towards the midline
~lower the hips coming into a squat like position
~rocking your weight forward onto the arms
~lifting the hips slightly towards the sky
~begin to walk your feet closer so that your knees can rest on the backs of the arms above the elbows
~draw your belly in and up in order to strengthen and balance the pose
~you may keep the toes on the floor experimenting with shifting your weight to find balance and drawing strength from the core as well as the shoulders
~then as you feel ready lift one foot at a time off the floor
~trying to find balance by gazing upwards
~take your time, listen to your body, search for balance and become aware of the strengthening of the core in order to support the pose
***There is so much metaphor in this pose for our message today, may you find Truth here and the grace, patience, presence and Love of the Father as you learn to wait and to become prepared to move forward into all He has promised for you..... P.S. please do not try this on a ledge until you are fully sure you're ready, and even then be cautious! ;) love you....

Waltz In 3 by Shawn McDonald
Wait Upon the Wind by Jason Upton
This is Not The End by Gungor


“I have been adopted by God” Romans 8:15

The longing to find our identity, and the questions of “who am I?” or “what is my purpose?” is something God has planted deep within each one of us. The true answers to completely satisfy us fully to those questions, can only be found through knowing our savior, Jesus Christ, and developing an intimate relationship with Him. Finding our identity, involves finding out who we are in Christ and humbly submitting to Him. Humility can be defined as beholding, or becoming, the glory of Jesus. This means to walk in obedience with Him and receive His daily grace. 
The gospel is a great start to teaching us “who we are.” The Bible tells us that we are adopted by God, He choose us…even in all of our brokenness, and that we will NEVER be unadopted by Him. The Bible also teaches us what we are “called” to do. We are called to have a life of significance and service. This tells us that no matter what are “worldly” job is, (whether is a mother, student, business person, or the President), we all have a calling and how your life is TODAY, right now at this very moment, is part of your mission that God planned out for you in the beginning of time. 

In life there will be many possible twists and turns. As you practice spinal twists, meditate on the path that God has chosen for you.
  1. Beginning in a seated position with legs facing forward and actively stretching 
  2. Bend the right knee, drawing the sole of the foot to the mat
  3. Picking up foot, bring it up & over to the other side of your left thigh
  4. Draw the foot up as far as comfortable, while still ensuring that the four corners of that foot remain rooted down into the mat
  5. Staying here is fine, but perhaps the straightened left leg can bend bringing the left heel in toward the right hip
*This is only appropriate if both of your sit bones can root back down to the floor evenly, if this is not possible, straighten the leg back out

6. Next, wrap the left arm around the right knee and hug it in, helping the knee to point straight up to the sky
7. If this easy and you have a healthy shoulder, bend the left elbow and bring it up & over to the other side of the knee
8. Keep the spine long & the sternum lifted as you use your arm as a lever to help deepen the twist
9. Place the right hand behind the base of the pine with fingertips pointing away; be sure the shoulders are level
10. Twist to the right looking over the right shoulder, gazing back at the wall behind you. 
*If this causes the neck some discomfort then keep the head more neutral
Really make the most of each breath; inhaling to elongate the spine & exhale, helping to gently deepen the twist. Keep the chin parallel to the floor throughout the twist.
-Hold here for several breaths then unwind slowly and repeat on left side.

Monday, February 20, 2012

week 15 of 52 week challenge

Compassion is a funny thing. If we are honest we know that with everyone we see,  we are secretly whispering to them "Love me." Of course we do not say it out loud, otherwise we would be called crazy. But we do it through all other actions. There is a great pull in man to connect. So why not become the one who lives with eyes wide open that are always saying what every other heart in the world is dying to hear. What if we became the connection we so desperately long for... This is how Jesus came to us. He would see our deepest need of Love and Compassion and Healing and He would become all of those things to us. So why not let your eyes reflect His nature, so that one or two can see themselves through the eyes of Compassion. Wouldn't this be a much more effective reflection to offer than ourselves and our thoughts or opinions? Jesus never stopped looking at men this way; He never stops looking at you this way. Shall we open up and learn how to look at man with the eyes of Love and Compassion. The eyes of the heart and not the head.
Love one another, as I have loved you....

~starting from a kneeling position; knees directly below the hips. Ensuring that the tops of the feet are flush against the floor
~begin by making fists with each hand allowing the thumbs to point straight up
~taking those fist behind and placing them on the boney part of the low back right above the fleshy part of the bottom
~press the fists into the body there and squeeze the elbows and shoulders together
~rising through the crown of the head lengthen the spine as you draw your crown towards the back of the room
~try to relax into the pose with each breath, feeling your heart open and open some more to compassion
~if this is deep enough for you continue to repeat this pose two more times holding for 5-7 breaths each time
~if you have more available you may take one hand at a time back to the heal of the foot (as pictured) 
~continuing to make the spine long while sending the hips away; keeping the core engaged to support the spine 
~reaching, lengthening and breathing deeper and deeper still into the wisdom of compassion
~May you hear Him whisper to you here, "I love you. Now love them; it is safe to love them" 
~repeat two more times breath and releasing into this posture of an open heart and quiet mind; the birth place for compassion

Man in the Mirror(Acoustic) by James Morrison
All the Poor and Powerless by All Sons and Daughters
Mercy by Kristene Mueller


When things fall apart, it's tempting to try to use our own strength to piece it together as quickly as possible to get our old lives back. Yet, when we do that, we may miss what a crisis can offer….. an awakening to what's not working in our lives and an opening that God allowed for the potential to change and grow us. 
God plants exceptionally difficult life journeys that may unsettle our hearts and make us question our purpose. These opportunities are sometimes disguised as a loss. However, He has purpose behind the loss, a chance to reinforce our sometimes seemingly small awareness that connects us to HIM! The difficult times God allows into our lives may be His way of getting our attention and drawing us closer to Him. I think it is His hope and desire that we cling as close to Him as we could possibly get and rest there in His presence as He holds us and prepares us for His next step. Instead, sometimes we turn in the complete opposite direction, looking for whatever quick fix we can find…whether it’s another person, an addiction, obsession, etc. In my own life I have done this more times than I can count, and it has always created more problems and hurts. When we accept God’s awakening of our hearts, we can start to seek God’s greater purpose behind the calamity or loss.  
In difficult times, practicing restorative poses that help bring focus on our physical bodies and breath may help to ease the mind and melt away outside stressors. 


Head-to-knee forward bend may allow you to breathe into the stretch, allowing God to awaken the body for potential growth and change. 
  1. Start sitting upright with legs stretched out in front 
  2. Bend the left leg and place the sole of the foot on the inside of the right thigh
  3. Relax the left knee down to the floor
  4. Keep the right leg strong and extend into the right heel
  5. Inhale, elongate the spine and raise the arms overhead
  6. Exhale, leading with the chest, bend forward with a FLAT BACK over the extended leg and allow yourself to be awakened by God presence breathing throughout the entire body
  7. Grab hold of the shin, ankle, or right foot with both hands 
  8. *making sure to only go as far as comfortable for you today!
  9. Bend the elbows to the side to gently pull deeper into the bend
Hold for 8 full inhales and exhales
  • Keep the back flat and resist letting the spine curl
TIP: if you are not able to reach the extended foot…. using a belt, wrapped around the ball of the extended foot, may be helpful to ensure the spine is kept straight 

Monday, February 13, 2012

week 14 of 52 week challenge....14 the number of Love ;) Happy Valentine's

 "sin and judgement versus Truth and Love"
Jeremiah 9: 
23-24God's Message:
   "Don't let the wise brag of their wisdom.
   Don't let heroes brag of their exploits.
Don't let the rich brag of their riches.
   If you brag, brag of this and this only:
That you understand and know me.
   I'm God, and I act in loyal love.
I do what's right and set things right and fair,
   and delight in those who do the same things.
These are my trademarks."
   God's Decree.

 25-26"Stay alert! It won't be long now"—God's Decree!—"when I will personally deal with everyone whose life is all outside but no inside: Egypt, Judah, Edom, Ammon, Moab. All these nations are big on performance religion—including Israel, who is no better."  
In the Bible, God speaks through several people known as prophets. One prophet in particular, Jeremiah, speaks Gods message to the people of his day, as well as to the people of today, that God does not want us to fall into sin, because He knows what awaits us there; that familiar shame, sadness, loneliness, regret, fear, doubt, discouragement. Sin belongs to us all; as individuals, communities and nations. No person or group is exempt from sin; we are all just as susceptible as our sister or brother. The Lord sees no difference between the sins of man throughout the ancient nations or modern culture. Sin is sin. Sin destroys our lives. Sin kills our awareness. Sin steals our identity. The sins of one are as evil as the sins of another; they steal, kill and destroy the Truth. We need the Truth in order to see, understand and recognize what only the Truth can disclose....the Way of relationship; love, freedom, peace, and joy in knowing Him intimately, not just on a surface, superficial level. So if all sin is equal, then we need to stop judging one another and instead come together to fight the enemy in strands of two or three or fourteen. Love casts our sin from us; revealing to us the nature of the sin versus the Truth. Before the Light of Truth, the darkness of sin is obvious. But within the darkness of the world, sin may become camouflaged.  It is only in relationship with the Light that darkness is put in it's place. With this revelation comes life closer to the Source of all understanding. Love always accompanies the transfer of darkness for the beauty of Light. As the darkness flees, the Light floods in; all under the parachute of Love! God is Love. Love is His dealing with us, whether it be in discipline, correction, revelation or healing. This should be celebrated and shared with one another. Not preached, dictated or required of others. It is an exchange, that only God within man accomplishes. This is the story of the "good news", that we can be set free from sin, because the Light came and made us aware of the Truth and took sin to the darkest place it could go until the end of time. Now every man can come to find a life that is abundant and beyond description; a life in Christ, one that transforms from the inside out. But often we cannot get there alone, many must travel along side us pointing and reflecting the Light; not casting shadows upon the already dark space we may find ourselves in....May we find grace, encouragement and support for one another. May our hearts grow as we lean into relationship with our True family always pointing to the Light, the Source, the Truth, the Love that comes in and makes the darkness flee.
James 4:11-12 11 Brothers and sisters, do not slander one another. Anyone who speaks against a brother or sister or judges them speaks against the law and judges it. When you judge the law, you are not keeping it, but sitting in judgment on it. 12 There is only one Lawgiver and Judge, the one who is able to save and destroy. But you—who are you to judge your neighbor?
Romans 2:1-3 1 You, therefore, have no excuse, you who pass judgment on someone else, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning yourself, because you who pass judgment do the same things. 2 Now we know that God’s judgment against those who do such things is based on truth. 3 So when you, a mere human being, pass judgment on them and yet do the same things, do you think you will escape God’s judgment?
 “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” Jesus
"Love one another, as I have loved you..."
Forward fold with interlaced hands behind the back~
Even if you do not have a special valentine, I want you to think of a person whom you would like to embrace in Truth and Love. Truly ask God to guide you in this. Let Him show you whom you need to be connected to. Once you know, invite them for a session. If this is too far out of your comfort zone, I pray God offers His presence as a stand in until you are prepared to join with a brother or sister in this intimate exchange of Truth and Love. 

  • ~starting from mountain pose, stand facing one another
  • ~interlace the fingers behind the back pointing the forefingers away
  • ~then rooting down through all four corners of your feet
  • ~slowly hinge forward at the hips rounding the spine
  • ~melt the heart as close to the thighs as you are able and allow the forehead to reach towards the knees
  • ~ ten let the hands reach towards the sky as you are able
  • ~keep the shoulders drawn together and away from the ears (don't scrunch them up)
  • ~allow your hands to cross one anthers if you are both  able (one set inside one outside)
  • ~Now visualize your pose...neither of you is pointing at one another, but instead you are pointing to HIM
  • ~Hold, breath and take it all in. Loving your sister or brother as He is loving you in this moment
Double Down Dog

  • ~Partner 1 finds themselves into downward facing dog (The partner’s feet are spread hip-width apart and the heels pressed firmly to the ground. The hands are placed shoulder-width apart. The buttocks are raised toward the ceiling so that the body forms an inverted V relative to the ground)
  • ~Partner 2 stands with his or her back toward the first partner. 
  • ~Partner 2 places his or her feet between the first partner’s hands, and assumes Downward- Facing Dog position as previously described. 
  • ~Partner 2 bends the knees and places the hands on the floor in front, about shoulder-width apart. 
  • ~Partner 2 then raises one leg and places the foot firmly on the first partner’s lower or middle back.
  • ~Partner 2 then lifts the other foot so that it is alongside the first foot on the partner’s back. 
  • ~Partner 2 straightens the arms and legs, and lifts the buttocks to assume Downward-Facing Dog position on the first partner’s back (see pic) Hold this for several deep breaths. Love your brother or sister as Jesus loves you; meeting them exactly where they, as He meets and loves us exactly where we are. No judgment or condemnation. Sometimes we must go into the dark to bring the Light to another so that they may see there feet and one step more!
  • ~Then partner 2 easefully returns one foot, and then the other, to the ground. 
  • ~Both partners can rest in Child’s Pose for a few breaths, then switch positions and perform once again. 
  • ***(Note: In practicing this pose, Partner 2 should be careful not to apply pressure directly onto the fleshly tissue just below PArtner 1's rib cage. If you or your partner have any back or circulatory problems, or are uncomfortable in any way, then skip this pose)

Head or Your Heart by Matt Kearney
Let Your Love Be Strong by Switchfoot
The Light Will Come by Phil Wickham

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Week 13/ 52 week challenge!

“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” Ephesians 3:20
In life, we are constantly battling against our own sinful nature, others sinful nature, and Evil that is in the world. However, we should NOT have fear, as believers, we have the choice to turn to our father God, who has the power and ALL things are possible with Him!
“Lord, remind me how brief my time on earth will be. Remind me that my days are numbered—how fleeting my life is.”  Psalm 39:4 NLT
Our human life is very short, and we are only here for a short time. Knowing that, we want to make everyday count and make the most of it! We do not have time to get caught up in the world and the lies it tells us. 
 “Be very careful, then, how you live — not as unwise but as wise, 16 making the most of every opportunity...” Ephesians 5:15-16

We have to be ready to stand strong and fight, like WARRIORS…as we are in constant battle!

  1. Starting in Mountain pose, with feet together and hands at the side 
  2. Beginning with the right foot staying forward, step the left foot back about 4 to 4 ½ feet, turning the toes to face the long edge of the mat
  3. Inhale, bringing the arms up alongside the ears, either
    1. keep the palms shoulder width, or 
    2. for a greater challenge, bring the hands & palms together
  4. Exhale and turn the trunk, hips and pelvis to face over the front leg
  5. Inhale a breath, then on the exhale bend the right leg at the hip and ankle 
    1. Rotating the thigh out so that shin and thigh make a 90° angle
    2. the thigh bone should be parallel to the floor and the shin should be vertical
*DO NOT take the knee past the ankle, as this puts undue pressure on the joint*
  1. Keep your gaze forward
Hold the position for several breaths
To come out of the pose, inhale and step the feet together returning to face center
Repeat on the second side

We are held. We are His precious treasure; hidden in the palm of His hand. He holds us. He holds our Hearts. He holds our Hands. He holds our Health. He holds our Revelation. He holds our Relationship. He holds our Gaze. I simply say all of this to say He has you. Your heart does not beat, that He does not feel it and your breath does not flow that He does not know it. He gives all that we have. It is a mystery. But we are Held. He gives you life, love, wisdom, bread and water. He is your source; without Him we are dead, empty, misled, starving and thirsty. But with Him, We are held. We are held together when we think we will fall to pieces; His hand the glue that keeps us one. We are held when He sees fit to reveal something new to us, that we will embrace the mystery and not fall from His hand but cling tighter. Nothing can snatch us out of His fingers. Nothing can convince us that we are not held once we've felt His hand around our hearts. He holds us close because we are His beloved; but He does not hold us tight because we are His beloved. You may choose to leave His hand and He will try to bring you back into His grasp for the rest of your journey. But if you so chose to stay in His grasp, a beautiful exchange takes place and you will begin to know that You are Held. All that you will ever learn about being held is solely expressed by the very act of being Held. In other words, God holds us that we may become aware we are held. Everything God expresses to us He expresses through Himself. When God wanted us to know Him, He that we may....Today it is no different. Everything He wants to reveal to you, He does through Himself. May you know that you are held. Lord God reveal to each of us that we are held, by You alone!  

~Starting from Mountain pose, step your right foot back and blade it to the floor with your toes pointing directly away from you or slightly towards the back corner of your mat.
~Hips are open to the side, begin to bend the left knee. Drawing your knee towards the left pinky toe, rotating the inner thigh outward
~Taking the left forearm to the left thigh, lengthen the right arm over the head. You may stop here and breath. 
~Feel the tension in your body and imagine His hand holding you and all that your life is comprised of....invite the Holy Spirit to reveal to you just how and where God is holding you in this very moment
~You may go deeper if you have it available. Take the left fingertips to the floor and send the right arm to the sky. Opening the heart, stacking the lungs one on top of the other. Again you may stop here and simply pray. God may I feel Your hands on my heart. May You Reveal Yourself to me, show me how I am held by You.
~Only moving into the full expression here if you are feeling led. Wrap the left arm under and behind the left thigh, bringing the right arm behind the torso to reach for the left hand. Rotate the heart open, lung over lung. Opening the shoulders and taking the gaze straight ahead. Trying not to close off the heart or lungs....let His hand reach into your soul and have His way. Breath
~Repeat on the other side.

Held by Natalie Grant
You Have Me by Gungor
Hold Me by Jamie Grace